To begin with, I am truly horrible about keeping this blog/website updated.

Last weekend, I did a thing. A thing that I have never done before – I entered an A&S competition. For years, I have been planning a project, but it has never come to completion and I needed to push myself by making a commitment to someone other than myself to get it done. Mistress Isgrdr graciously offered to sponsor my entry into the Queen’s Prize Tournament at the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre and I entered.

Many things went wrong with the project and it was definitely a learning experience (I’ll link to the documentation for the project here.) I almost didn’t go to the event. I felt overwhelmed and stressed and completely out of my element.

But…at the event, I got to see people I haven’t seen in a while. I re-engaged with my SCA and felt better. I got wonderful feedback and suggestions from my judges and I got encouragement from folks that I look up to for their art and just who they are in general.

And in the end, I did well. I was awarded the Judges Prize for my work which meant that collectively the judges felt that my work demonstrated what they were looking for that day.

And now, I’ve entered three different works in the regional arts and sciences fair in April. We’ll see how it goes from here.